Benefits of an Oxygen Generator for Glass Making

Benefits of Oxygen Generator for Glass Making

Glass production is an industry that has been around for centuries and continues to be a significant part of our modern world. In order to produce high-quality glass, the production process requires precise control of oxygen levels in the mix. An on-site oxygen generator for glass industry is an effective way to ensure consistent oxygen levels and optimize results. This article will list the benefits of using an oxygen generator for glass making, including increased product quality, efficiency, etc.

Improving Glass Quality with Oxygen Generators

Oxygen generators can improve the quality and efficiency of glass-making by providing a consistent supply of high-purity oxygen to the furnace. This helps to increase combustion temperatures, reduce fuel consumption, and produce higher-quality glass with fewer defects. By using an oxygen generator, glassmakers can also avoid the need for costly and potentially dangerous compressed gas cylinders.


In addition to improving glass quality, oxygen generators are also beneficial for environmental reasons. Traditional glass production methods involve using large amounts of energy and creating harmful pollutants. With an oxygen generator, however, manufacturers can use their own pure oxygen supply on-site without generating additional emissions.

Optimize Glass Blowing

Glass blowing is a unique art that combines melting glass with fine blowing to create exquisite decorative pieces. However, in order for the glass blower’s flame to operate appropriately, it is necessary for it to attain a precise temperature, which is where the role of oxygen becomes crucial. With the high purity of oxygen provided by an on-site oxygen generator, glass blowers can ensure that their torches maintain the proper temperature to complete their masterpieces.

Glass blowers rely on oxygen as fuel for the burners and torches they use to melt glass. Basic compressed air does not produce the necessary heat. Oxygen is the only fuel source that ensures the flame is hot enough to efficiently and precisely melt quartz and borosilicate glass. In most cases, glass blowers will use oxygen in the 10-15 psi range, with 95% purity.

Achieving Cost Savings

Manufacturers can achieve noteworthy cost savings by utilizing an oxygen generator during glass production. Traditional methods of producing oxygen, such as purchasing compressed oxygen tanks or having it delivered by a supplier, can result in high costs due to transportation and storage expenses. In addition, these methods often require frequent refills or replacements, raising prices.

However, with an on-site oxygen generator, manufacturers have a constant and reliable pure oxygen source without needing external suppliers or deliveries. This eliminates any transportation and storage expenses associated with traditional methods. Furthermore, since the generator produces only the amount of oxygen required at any given time, no wasted product results in additional cost savings.

Increases production efficiency and output

Using an oxygen generator in the glass industry reduces production cycle times, which translates to less downtime for maintenance and fewer operating costs.

The oxygen-rich environment created by oxygen generators supports higher combustion temperatures, allowing for faster-melting rates and more complete melting of raw materials. This results in better-quality glass products that are free from impurities and defects. Additionally, with improved molten glass flow rates, manufacturers can produce thinner sheets of glass that require less energy to cool than thicker ones.

In conclusion, integrating an oxygen generator into a manufacturer’s operations promotes efficiency through cost savings on fuel consumption and reduced production time while increasing overall productivity and output.

Other Benefits

More and more glass makers use oxygen generators on site instead of managing and maintaining oxygen cylinders. There are several other reasons for this, including:

  1. Reliability: Oxygen cylinder delivery can be unreliable, especially for those who work in remote areas. With an on-site oxygen generator, there is no risk of running out of nitrogen gas, ensuring that operations can continue without any interruptions.
  2. Affordability: Oxygen cylinders can be expensive and are a recurring expense that can add up over time. In contrast, with on-site oxygen production, glass manufacturers only have to worry about upfront costs. Once those costs are recovered, you can continue producing oxygen at no additional charge. Usually, an oxygen generator will pay itself within 18 months.
  3. Safety: The art of glass blowing is hazardous enough, and the last thing a glass blower needs to worry about is high-pressure cylinders exploding and causing damage in the workshop.
  4. Durability: OxyNitra’’s on-site oxygen generators are built to withstand harsh environments, ensuring they can stand the test of time no matter where the glass-making occurs.

Tips for Using Oxygen Generators in Glass Making

Choose the Right Size and Type for Your Needs

When selecting oxygen generation equipment that meets your oxygen gas requirements for glass production, it is essential to take into account various factors such as the appropriate size and type. First, you need to determine the amount of oxygen required for your glass-making process. This will depend on the size of your furnace and how often you use it.

Once you have determined your oxygen requirements, you can select the appropriate generator size. Small generators are ideal for small-scale operations, while larger ones are best suited for large-scale industrial applications. You should also consider the type of generator that will meet your specific needs- stationary or portable.

Selecting the right size and type of generator is crucial as it significantly impacts the efficiency and cost-effectiveness of your glass-making process. By carefully considering these factors, you can choose an oxygen generator that will provide a consistent and reliable oxygen supply while helping to save costs in the long run.

Monitor and Adjust Oxygen Levels for Optimal Results

The correct amount of oxygen in the furnace can significantly affect product quality and efficiency. Too little oxygen will result in incomplete combustion, which leads to lower temperatures, longer melting times, and poor-quality glass products.

In contrast, too much oxygen can lead to high-temperature spikes that may damage the furnace or cause other safety hazards. With an oxygen generator, however, you have precise control over how much oxygen is introduced into the furnace at any given time. This level of control allows for greater consistency in temperature and melting times while reducing waste.

Therefore, monitoring and adjusting your furnace’s oxygen levels are essential to achieve consistent, high-quality glass products with minimal waste. With an oxygen generator, this process becomes more streamlined and efficient than ever before!


Using oxygen generators for glass industry has numerous benefits, making it a highly recommended option. Firstly, these generators provide a consistent and reliable source of pure oxygen, which helps to ensure high-quality glass production. This is because pure oxygen supports better combustion control and reduces impurities in the glass.

Secondly, oxygen generators are cost-effective as they eliminate the need for frequent cylinder replacements or refills, reducing downtime and increasing productivity. In addition, they are also environmentally friendly as they significantly lower emissions compared to traditional methods of producing oxygen.

Incorporating an oxygen generator into your glass-making process can enhance efficiency while maintaining the quality of your product. With its many benefits, such as reduced costs and environmental impact, it is clear that any severe manufacturer seeking to improve their operations should consider using an oxygen generator.

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